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Recording English Class

Collections of resources for English language teachers and students

Teacher and Student

The Repositories

Here you can find the EgLife Repository listing.

Educational Technology Tools

This is a summary of your online course. Include an overall description of the class, significant concepts that are taught and any other relevant information that would be helpful for a potential student. It’s also a good idea to mention any specific requirements for materials or time commitment outside of class.

Outdoors Tutoring

Did we miss your favourite repository/tool?

Share it with us via this form.

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*Learning Repository - is an online collection of learning objects. A learning object is an object or collection of objects that assist in the learning process (e.g., a topic, a module, a ready-made worksheet or lesson plans, etc).


*Educational Technology Tool - is an interactive tool/s that helps with learning facilitation or provides a learning process itself (e.g., video making programs, online quizzes, learning management platforms, etc).

Which type of content is the closest to describing your resource
Which is the closest to describing your resource

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